Transforming Conversation Training (Spring/Summer 2024)


Transforming Conversation Introductory Sessions (zoom) are aimed at participants who have not previously experienced a TC-style conversation.

Session 1 provides the opportunity to experience a conversation using the TC format and explores the format and how and why it differs from other small groups.

Places are currently available on:

Sat 3rd  Feb 10-12 noon, Sat 24th  Feb 10-12 noon, Thursday 29th  Feb 7-9pm

To book a place please email: or for further information contact:


Session 2 (optional) offers participants a deeper understanding of themselves in a small group setting, aspects of TC (including facilitator training and mentoring) and the TC Community.

Session 2 will be run subject to demand.


In-person TC Facilitator Training Sessions (Venue tba)

6 sessions make up the basic TC Facilitator Training.  These sessions are also open to participants who are interested in improving their understanding of small groups but may not want to become a TC facilitator. The sessions are designed as stand-alone units and, although beneficial, it is not a requirement for participants to complete the sessions in numerical order.  It is necessary to attend Session 1 before attending any other sessions.

Session Content:

Session 1: A Transforming Conversation Experience

Session 2:  Basic Listening Skills and TC-style Groundrules

Session 3:  Using TC, Learning Styles and Group Processes

Session 4:  Beginnings and Endings: TC Resources, Introductions and Summarising

Session 5:  Blocks & Leadership Styles: Ourselves and Others

Session 6:  Reflection Skills: Methods and Value

The above sessions can be taken as 3 x 1-day workshops or 6 x ½-day workshops on the following dates:

1-day sessions:  Wednesdays 6th March, 10th  April, 15th May

½ day sessions (mornings): Wednesdays 6th , 20th March, 10th April, 1st , 15th , 22nd May

NB Sessions may be postponed if there are insufficient participants


6th March
20th March
10th April
10th April
1st May
15th May
15th May
22nd May

Transforming Conversation is based on a belief that participating in intentional, facilitated conversation can be a transformative process.  It offers a specific method and process but recognises that the skills and experiences it provides can have positive effects beyond the group settings it promotes.

It is a modern form of the ancient tradition of spiritual conversation and aims to encourage conversations about things that matter to people of any faith and belief, or none.  It is rooted in the Christian tradition but seeks to engage in a way which is inclusive and equitable, offering a safe place to share and explore ideas and beliefs.