
District dates 2024-2025


September 2024

Monday 2nd      10am District Staff meeting                                                       Pipers Pool

Tuesday 3rd         7.30pm District service                                                              Truro

Wednesday 4th   10.30am-1pm New to the District orientation                      Trewint

Thursday 5th      10am District Vocation Group                                                   tba

Tuesday 10th       10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Wednesday 11th  3pm Rural Support Management                                            Boehill Barton                                                                                                                                            Farm

Thursday 12th     10am Ministers in 1st 10 years                                                  Lifton

Saturday 21st      10.30am Representative Synod                                                Plymouth Central Hall

Wednesday 25th 10.30am District Manse Committee                                       Velwell Rd, Exeter

7.30pm Transforming Conversation Management                                              Zoom

Thursday 26th     10.30am Superintendents Consultation                                 Plymouth                                                                                                                                                     Central Hall                                         7.00pm District Safeguarding Group                                     Zoom                  


October 2024

Tuesday 1st          10.30am District Property Committee                                    Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                   Exeter

Wednesday 2nd  10am Chair and Deputies Meeting                                          Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                  Exeter

Thursday 3rd       10.30am District Grants Committee                                        Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                 Exeter

Saturday 5th        10am Local Preacher Development Day                                 The Mint/Zoom

Tuesday 8th         10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Wednesday 9th   2pm Lay Employment Committee                                            Zoom

7.30pm Circuit Stewards Consultation                                    Zoom

Thursday 10th     10.30am- 3pm   Lay Employees Day                                        Buckfast

Tuesday 15th       7.30pm Information on stationing visits meeting                Zoom

Wednesday 16th  10.30am Probationers Committee                                          Plymouth                                                                                                                                                    Central Hall

Thursday 17th     7pm District Policy Committee                                                  Pipers                                                                                                                                                           Pool/zoom

Monday 21st       10am Supervision Oversight Group                                         Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                 Exeter

November 2024

Monday 11th      10am Chair and Deputies Meeting                                          Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                  Exeter

Tuesday 12th       10am Supervision Development Day                                      Plymouth                                                                                                                                                    Central Hall

Wednesday 13th 10am District Executive                                                             Trewint

Thursday 14th     10.30am Superintendents Consultation                                 Lifton

Tuesday 26th       7.00pm District Safeguarding Meeting                                 Zoom


December 2024

Thursday 5th       10am     District Staff Meeting                                                  Lifton

Tuesday 10th       10am     District Executive                                                          Lifton

January 2025

Monday 20th      10am     Chair and Deputies Meeting                                       Launceston

Tuesday 21st       10am     District Executive                                                           Lifton


February 2025

Saturday 1st        10am Circuit Treasurers Meeting                                             Zoom

Monday 3rd         10am  Chair and Deputy Meeting                                            Liskeard

Tuesday 4th         10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Thursday 13th    2pm District Grants                                                                     Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                  Exeter

Saturday 15th      10am District Policy Committee                                               Pipers Pool

Monday 17th       10.30am District Probationers Committee                             Plymouth                                                                                                                                                     Central Hall

Thursday 20th     10.30am District Property Committee                                    Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                 Exeter


March 2025

Saturday 1st        10am District Safeguarding Conference                                 Plymouth                                                                                                                                                 Central Hall/Zoom

Monday 3rd        10am District Staff Meeting                                                       Pipers Pool

Tuesday 4th         10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Thursday 6th       10.30am Superintendents Consultation                                 Lifton

7.30pm Circuit Stewards Consultation                                    Zoom

Saturday 15th     10am  Local Preachers Secretary Meeting                                Zoom

Tuesday 18th       10.30am  Supervision Oversight Group                                 Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                  Exeter

Wednesday 19th  10am Lay Employees Day                                                         Tavistock

Thursday 20th     10.30am Presbyteral Synod                                                      Plymouth                                                                                                                                                    Central Hall


April 2025

Tuesday 1st          10am District Executive                                                            Lifton

Monday 7th         10am Chair and Deputies Me                                                   Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                  Exeter


May 2025

Saturday 3rd        10.30am Representative Synod                                                Plymouth Central Hall

Tuesday 6th         10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Tuesday 13th       7.30pm Stationing Preparation Meeting                                Truro/zoom

Thursday 22th     7pm District Policy Committee                                                  Zoom


June 2025

Monday 2nd        10am District Staff Retreat                                                         Pipers Pool

Tuesday 3rd         10am District Executive                                                              Lifton

Tuesday 10th       10.30am District Property Committee                                    Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                   Exeter

Thursday 12th     2pm District Grants Committee                                                Velwell Rd,                                                                                                                                                 Exeter

Monday 16th       7.30pm Conference Briefing                                                      Zoom

Wednesday 18th  Superintendents Away Day                                                      tba

26th- 2nd July     Conference  2025                                                                        Telford