About Us
About PEMD
District Team
Prayer Calendar
Welcome to the Plymouth and Exeter Methodist District (PEMD)
The District is made up of just under 200 churches in Devon, Somerset and parts of Cornwall. These help to form 17 Circuits and include just over seven and a half thousand members of the Methodist Church. An average of five and a half thousand people worship in our churches each Sunday.
We are part of Churches Together in Devon, Somerset Churches Together and Churches Together in Cornwall. We work in partnership with other Christians throughout the area.
Welcome Service for New Chair of District
Revd Dr Dan Haylett
The Welcome Service for our new Chair of District, Rev. Dan Haylett, took place at St Thomas Methodist Church, in Exeter, on the afternoon of the 27th August. The Church was full, the atmosphere wonderful and it was enjoyed by all who attended. Those in attendance included people from Circuits where Dan had served.
The service was introduced by Rev. Kevin Hooke, one of our Deputy Chairs and presided over by Rev. Michaela Youngson, the Assistant Secretary of Conference. Revd Sonia Hicks, the Past President of Conference, preached and others took part, including Jane Bates, Circuit Steward in Enfield, Dan’s last Circuit. Special promises were made by Dan in response to questions asked of him by the Assistant Secretary and Dan was then welcomed into the life of the District.
Greetings from the Diocese of Exeter were brought by the Archdeacon of Barnstaple, the Venerable Verena Breed and the Bishop’s Chaplain, Rev Prebendary Nigel Mason. Rev. Paul Snell County Ecumenical Officer for Devon also brought greetings, as did Rev. Andrew de Ville Chair of the Southampton District on behalf of the Chairs’ Meeting. Rev. Loraine Mellor, the new Chair of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly District was also in attendance. A letter of greeting from the Somerset Divisional Commander of the Salvation Army, was also read. Dan then addressed the Congregation.
A lovely tea followed the presentations. Many thanks to all who helped make the service such a wonderful occasion, especially all those at the St. Thomas Church, who were fantastic hosts and Rev. Steve Santry, who facilitated the event.